
The winners of the pumpkin weight contest カボチャの重さを当てコンテストの優勝者発表

The English Club decorated the lobby of the first building again for Halloween. This year we decided to have a pumpkin weight contest.


 This pumpkin weighed 16.8 kilograms!


We were very excited to have so many students participate. There were 63 guesses in the collection box. We want to thank everyone who participated and wrote down their guess on the paper.


[Here is Ms. Shelly Itoh and Mr. Ito with his winning guess paper.]



[Here is Ms. Shelly Itoh presenting Mr. Ito with his Trick or Treat Prize!]

こちらはシェリー伊藤先生が伊東さんにTrick or Treat Prizeの賞品を渡している写真です。

Mr. Ito from F3B and Ms. Watanabe from U2 classes were the winners of the pumpkin weight contest. They guessed 17 kilograms. The English Club thanks them for participating and congratulates them both! Ms. Shelly Itoh presented them with a trick or treat prize!

かぼちゃの重さを当てるコンテストではF3Bの伊東君とU2の渡邊さんが17キロと書いてくれました。応募してくださり、ありがとうございました。そして優勝おめでとうございます。なお2人には伊藤シェリー先生からtrick or treat 賞の賞品が渡されました。
